started my work as a tuition teacher todae..
not so bad..the family very considerate:)
settle down at the sofa and taught her at the coffee table..
she got a glass of water for me..
5 mins later,her brother got me another glass of water..
15 mins later,her father got me another glass of water..
so end up,i got 3 glasses of water..
two hours sitting is soo long..teaching is quite fun...
but all and all,boring..and i force her do malay compo..
i noe im being mean but lmfao..
her compo is's full of crap..
and she wrote about kicking pantat n seeing undies..
she needs more tutorin i guess..
i soo love ytd..coz i spend it with the frens i loved-except for carlo..
it was reali uberly utterly effin fantabulous..
the ten of us:
syaz,meya,yus,raf,kenneth,cheryl,carlo,yingloo,desmond and me..
had dinner at seoul garden..
quite ex-lah but seeing them is worth spendin the money..lols..
as usual,we crap a lot and laff our pantat's off..
i think the people at seoul garden got quite fed-up wif us..
ooh..and i did not spurt any substances on them..thank GOD..
if not,history would repeat itself..
like the other time i spurt water on their faces,bags and clothes at ecp..
but they were all literally trying to make me spurt on them ytd..
i wonder why..
and i soo hate carlo..tat fcukin guy reali gets on my nerves..
his idiotic face..his non-stop racist jokes..
i won't be surprise if he suddenly get an indian as a gal-fren..
and kenneth says if carlo and me not ard,there won't be any drama..
coz we both keep fightin..
i tink i can be an ice-cream seller..
coz i scooped some nice balls of ice-cream..
and by the time i took a pic of it,the ice-cream had already melted:(

cheryl and yingloo left earlier..
syaz bought cakes for her family..
and raf bought condoms for her sia..
anyway the package very nice..
polka dots and all...i want:)
after that the 8 of us went to the openplaza and took some pics..
din cam-whored much..
and sadly it's gettin late...
so the next destination: home..
i reach cck at 11.30pm..
mum didn't nagg..
lucky i guess..
Labels: random screamings