Thursday, June 12, 2008
yesterday was uber uber uber uber FUN!!!
mb0803 had bbq at downtown..
played by the beach and .....
we[amas,chloe,buva and me] dipped wilson in the sea..lol
and wats a bbq without waterbomb..
the first time we played was ard 4 plus..yao xing was the victim..
soon it became kinda chaotic..
we start waterbomb-ing everyone..
thank God i avoided being wet..
after that...jeng jeng jeng..
gues wat,the clique actuali planned a surprise party for chloe n me..
it was reali reali unexpected and sweet to the max..
and FIT came with the cake..
i seriously tout fit couldn't make it for the bbq..
and ms neha brought tiramisu too..
double surprises..double befdae bash..and double the cake..
totally awesome..
not onli that,after we had the cake cuttin ceremony,
they actualy smeared cake on both our faces..
i effing smell like chocolate..
cake on my face,hair and my WHITE-tee..
tanx buva..haha
but it was great celebratin wif the clas..
and i purposely hugged wanee[the clas rep] to smear some cake on her..
the second waterbomb was a blast..
played ard 7 plus like tat..
but first we had to filled hundreds of plastic bags wif water at the nearby washroom..
jon was kinda afraid we wud throw the waterbombs at him..lmao
and he tried to threaten us..one waterbomb to 3 gals..
you sure or not?
then ze liang and i plan to throw at tis uncle who just entered the toilet..
but we scared he die of shocked so mission cancelled..
ooh girls being cheeky,chloe and me started shootin the wb on the guys..
first target was mave..totaly wet..
then zan..haha..then both of them..
and we both were like literally chasing them ard the toilet
with bloody waterbombs and bottled water..
wait tats not the fun part..
the fun part was wen all the waterbombs were ready and
the whole clas became wild..
lol..gerek giler..[fun like hell]
and everyone[except for ms neha n fit] got reali wet..includin me..
someone threw the waterbomb directly on my head and my clip went missin..
and i threw waterbomb on fatin's arse..
okay,i love my class..wohooo...
went home with amas,buva,zan and fatin..
poor fatin stress coz she was way over the curfew..
jeremy,i want the pics!!hee..
anyway,i had a reali smashin time at my class bbq..
cant wait for more:)
ps:tanx so much for the cake and the surprise:)
i love you guys reali..
[fit fatin buva shir khai]
S.freakz,i cant wait for tis sat:) countin every minute for the day to come..Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
12:35 PM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
gues wat??
i was late for sch todae..
slept at 4 am and expect me to wake up at 5.30am?blame it all on the cs project..
haha and i missed micro lecture..and 30 mins of CS..
lucky came on time..err,not reali actuali..but wakin up late was worth it..
i scored an A for my presentation.. whee..cant take it anymore-i hate my hair!!!BOOYAH!!
oh ya..the pics..
pardon my bad hair day..
business students my arse..lol..hey tats 32-pack man..
~me and jia hui...~me and pei ying...
zan handsem sey todae..lolmy pic looks retarded-.- i noe..
us doin the danny's 1-3-5 theory..Au revoir Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
8:50 PM