Sunday, August 31, 2008
fri 29 august
visit my sec sch..
as you noe,it's teachers' day so yeah..
and i was late as always..the concert was okay..
but the best part was meetin my frens and the teachers..
took some pics..will update soon:)
anyway,decided to join minah and gang for lunch..
so it's Aminah Haz Danny Atikah Faat Aisyaa Sakinah Dinah:)
unfortunately something ___ happen at food culture..
i stumble upon chloe's fren..
yeah TAT one..tat irritating piece of toot..
and the toot was wif the frens..
the toot even call me to acknowledge it's presence-.-
like nonsense sia..blearghhh..
feel like smackin the mother fcuker face..
anyway FAAT..
Happy Sweet 17th Befdae!!!
sory for the late wish yeah...
so after lunch headed to town wif my lovely bunch peeps:)
went for a job interview..blah blah blah..
I WANT A HOODIE!!okay-so random-.-
anyway me n fana went off earlier..
we headed off to suntec for the IT fair..
but fana went off first lah..
coz my sis was late..so much for a one-stop trip-.-
bought a new thumbdrive and 160Gb hard drive..
wheee..cheap deal:)
spend the whole of sat and sun at HOME..
fcuk fcuk fcuk..
bloody flu and coughs..
muscle ache and back pains..
surrenderin the Japan flag 'ehem'..
if you get wat i mean..
okay i wana sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep...
darn im stil awake..
okay im asleep already..
[tis is my sub-conscious mind typin]
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
2:09 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
we tend to haf more wants instead of needs..
and wen we get wat we reali reali want..
we realise tat we don want it anymore..
you get my point? yes ? no ?i keep chasin my wants and kinda neglect my needs..now that i got wat i wan,i don wan it anymore..like wats the use wen the wants isnt reali wat you need..and wat you actuali need is/are needs..okay..forget it,im beatin about the bush..anyway,suppose to be muggin..but i NEED a break..on the other hand i WANT to score well for microA..in order to do tat,i SHOULD be studyin..before i go off..i wana THANK FIR again for the new earpiece..
AND i wana THANK FATIN for the microA notes..
cant thank you guys enuf..
hee..sweet niblelits..
was tagged by darling yana..
- Animated
- Random
- Down-to earth sometimes..
- Incredibly Insane
- Amiable
- Nice
- And ___.
- i can count frm 11-20..
- ..
- ..
- ..
- ..
- ..
- ..
- ..
- ..
- ..
- okay im done :)
i tag anyone who feels like doin it..
-and will be changin my blogskin soon..i gues:)
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:25 PM
Friday, August 22, 2008
i stumble upon tis sweet lil post..click here
heee..tanx fir:) you're a great fren too..
haha..shal catch up soon yeah..
more great stories to share:)
and inchem rocks my socks baby...
muggin seems to be my best fren for the past few days..
anyway..gona break fast soon..
update later..
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
6:46 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
which means there's 2 paper left..pfft..
the last few laps and then holiday..
and and and my earpiece is broken..
the wire on the left side snapped and only the right side is workin..
NOW,the whole thing is basically spoilt..
and jus now i had to like adjust the wire to get some connection..
the music plays like some broken radio..
like "hell..loo..loo..arhh..chee..ek..ma..riri..ahh.."
nvm..u wont understand-.-
btw FATIN,tanx for lendin the earpiece yeah..
and studyin my arse lah you..
haha..sweet nibblelits..
congrats to dictionary guy..
haha..see,i told ya to wait bodoh..
and las tues had some unfortunate event..
doesn usually happen to me..
oh well..life i gues,needs some minor changes:)
and i badly mis my darlings..those bunch of peeps:(
i wan a 2 and a 3 yr old kid in my house..
omg..babies are like cute can..and kids..argh..
cant stand them..so small and delicate..
damn it..saw a few in the train just now..
CUTE LIKE HELL..i wana hug them and bring them home..
haha..err so RANDOM..
okay..back to mugging ..BOOYAH..Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
9:28 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
shucks lah..im like damn fcukin broke can...i owe ppl money and ppl owe me money..- $20 for contacts..
- $15 for tat dress..
- $20 for brownies' cookies..
n*d**h and a'*n owes me 10 bucks each..and i stil owe 18 days of ____.gee..i so cant wait for exam..NOT..i haf like 736394 hours before math paper..and PHYCHEM is driving me insane..argh,damn it..MICROA and inchem..don talk to me about it-.-
it's like a magnet..
and it's stops me frm doin all the impt stuf i haf to do..
like look wat im doin now?
setan betol-.-
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
1:08 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
GEMINI - Irresistible
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners.
Very Good in the you know where...
[haha,i wonder wher?]
Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out.
Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud.
Talkative. Outgoing.VERY FORGIVING.*winks*
Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile.[oh realy??hee..]
Generous. Strong.
THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE. [err...tis one NOT..lol]
LIBRA - The Lame One
i wonder if Fatin's a LIBRA..ROFL:)
kiddin siol..btw i love you FATIN..so sorry..hee..
Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind.
Silly, fun and sweet.Have own unique appeal.
Most caring person you will ever meet!
however not the kind of person you wanna mess with...
u might end up crying...
went to woodlands [tanah kayu] library..
study-ed wif the babes..
khaizurah die2 wake me up frm my sleep-.-
all coz she wana go study..lol..
and i bought a new dress all tanx to her..heh..
so much for being broke..
and FATIN din come in her baju tido[pyjamas..]
so sory we ate infront of you FATIN..tmr i fast kay..haha..
infact tis week onwards i'll fast..
like for real only eh..
okay part of next week i'll fast..happy?
and FIT came as well..
ooh and khaizurah suddenly had craves for all food..
anyway,studying wif all the kakak[elder sisters] was fun..
though buva,chloe and shir wasn ther:(
we'll study together next time kay guys:)
finish all 4 tutorials on differentiation..
FUN like hell siol-.-
and stil more to go..pfft..
kay lah,i wana sleep..
nitez peeps..im stil havin the NDP fever FYI:)
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:27 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
firstly,i noe it's kinda late but....
9 August 2008
anyway..tat day was uber ____.AWESOME,GREAT,FUN etc..etc..
yeah im totally spechless now..
the real day has finally come and woah..
i was posted to the same location and duty as last week,
the MS carpark..
which means i get to see my army frens again..
foe the last time tat is:( BOOYAH..
and yeah their names yazid and army guy A..
lol..i stil duno army guy A name..pathetic kan..
and and i made a new fren too frm the hotel..
as you noe the carpark was damn stuffy so i was perspiring like hell..
and he actuali went up to get tissue frm the hotel.. s
o ther it is,my hotel fren aka tissue guy..
besides tat,the MS urshers was the same bunch of peeps too:)
eh cool siol:)haha..
the last time i'll be workin wif them:(
and FIREWORKS,as always the best:)
as well as performance by black knights..
to end off the day,had to thank the public..
just like las week job scope-.-
goodness,tiring sey to stand along the road and
repeatin the sentence over and over again..
'Thanks for coming..Haf a nice day..See ya..and tc'
not forgettin the smile and the waves..
but it was WORTHIT:) and it's the last lap b4 the whole event ended..
and the public was NICE..(sounds sarcastic but no lah)
i gimme five-ed to kids,teenagers and even the adults..
gerek giler siol..(fun like hell sia)
and gues wat..jeng..eng..ng..
one of the public was my SIR..lalala
yeah,mr Png-prss band conductor..elated like hell i tel you..
then we chit-chat awhile..
and he cant effin believe I WAS THER:) me too:)haha..
and he say it's been a long time since i visited the band..
so yadah yadah yadah..then he left..
and the pictures baby:)

~the greatest F2 PEEPS eva:)

~presenting the MS PEEPS..
(glenn,nora,me,sherry,li ping,ks)
and newly recruited para,miranda,yu sheng)

~we're ultra crazy and hyper:)
mus be the atmosphere..

~chole buva dee fatin
the lovable bunch..hehe
and i'll try post the fireworks video soon:)
8 August 2008
Hapi Befdae Jia Hui:)
stay hapy and cute aites..lol
back to my studyin-.- bored like hell siol..
last thing b4 i forget...
all the best for the upcoming exam peeps..
be it in jc, poly or watever:)
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
2:33 PM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
tis week has been a blast-.- haha..
actuali not reali lah just tat i enjoyed myself ytd..
August 2nd 2008
"Andy's pee PREVIEW.."
i was posted to vip carpark..
the job was uber boring i tel you..
AND it was damn bloody stuffy in the carpark..
but thank GOD i had such great frens to
entertain me and vice versa:)
and the fact tat we din haf to stand UNDER
the scorching sun was absolutely awesome..
anyway my first impression on the army guys was ____.
bleargh??yeah you can say tat again..
but after that,they turn out OKAY i gues..
there's two malay army guys whom i made frens wif..
army guy A and B..
army guy A cal me kakak[elder sis in malay]
sorry eh..pls lah,i look way younger than you..
then i go cal his fren,army guy B pak cik[uncle]
he gave me the pissed off look..
funny shit sia..
then army guy B cal me mak cik[aunty] -.-
so i cal him datuk back[grandfather]
tis is totaly childish,i noe..
but wen u're bored,childish lame games CAN be quite fun..
like fatin's lame joke..haha
then he go complain to his fren,army guy A bout me callin him datuk..
lmao..actuali they're quite nice lah..
and the lift kinda broke down so it's a set back for us..
had to usher the vip to 2 diff staircases..
and both staircases were located at almost both ends of the carpark..
did a long chain but we were kinda out numbered..
so the other usher were like 15 metres away frm each other..
how to communicate,you tel me..
luckily got the two army guys..
coz i was standin there alone and there were no more vip to usher..
then i heard the army men saying"dee..dee."
i din turn lah coz i noe they din noe my name wat..
but i swear i heard them sayin dee..
suddenly the 2 army guy approach me and called out my name..
initialy they did noe my name,duno frm wher-.-
so we talked lah,like old frens..
one of them received an sms frm the chief,who told them to not flirt..
haha..flirt my arse lah sey..
ooh and they gave me gummies..
which they shared it wif my other usher mates..
army guy B gave me milo oso..
then army guy A ajak me go makan..
"eh dee,follow me ah..we go eat..ur duty finish wat.."
crazy sia,my group leader beside me siak..
anyway,i don wana tarnish the reputation of ___.
ard 6.30,we were gona leave for dinner..
so the 2 army guys ask me,'eh dee,u walk beside us ah..make the chief jealous..'
haha..so hapy2 lah i walk beside them,wif the urshers as well..
bastard sia they all,go kacau2 the chief..
and soon all the army guys there noe my name..
the freakin army guy A ask for my number-.-
i din give lah..i say no hp..
then he ask for my home no..jokes..
i ask him wats his name..
he say number first then name..
by tat time,FOOD was on my mind so forget it lah..
kinda sad lah coz i din even noe the names of army guy A and B..

we had pizzahut for dinner:)
the packet milo ther was frm army guy B..
and Nora kept kacau-ing me sia..
gona bite her next sat..watch out ah..

picture taken before dinner..
Nora,dee,fiona,miranda and natalie:)
muscle cramps on the cheeks and almost sorethroat..
after the show ended,had to stand at the road and thank the public..
and we cant stop smiling as the public flooded the road..
"thank you for coming..haf a nice day..bye..see ya"
*waves and smile*
gimme 5 to loads of kids..make elderly ppl smile..
some nice ppl thank us for volunteerin and even say we did a good job..
they make my day:) and i hope we made theirs too hee..
back to inchem report..
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
12:14 PM