Thursday, November 27, 2008
i did something so unexpected..
but i wont tel you..
you can onli see it for urself if you MEET me:)
khaizurah chloe and me jer tat does it..
hopefully the whole clique does it too..
and im gona do it AGAIN tmr..
bringin money for the hena ting and ___.
cant wait for tmr..
gona haf dinner at newton wif the adulthood babes..
ooh damn..i hate that feeling..and i don wana noe wat it is..
scares the living shit in me..
like serious..
anyway,got my triple treat again todae:)
till then..nitez..
watchin betty laffea'ah and
finishin cell bio report..
~you got business? i got pilot-.-
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
10:06 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
i wana take a rollercoaster ride..
like a real real rollercoaster ride that
makes you go tipsy like some drunken women..
you'll never believe what i did during the last BIOCHEM prac..
i spin myself ard on tat chair..wif some help frm camfugs..
tried walkin ard in tat condition..woahh..
i swear..GEREK GILER!!
haha..im so gona mis mr steward..kay random..
and todae..
MB0803 rocks my socks lah..
im so proud of them..
we had this captain ball thingy tats goin on for weeks..
and we din qualify for the finals even though we won the last match..
BUT..we lost with victory..

~i like the way jon jumps for the ball..
~i like the way fatin catch the ball..
~i like the way mave handles the ball..
~i like the way ZL blocks the ball..
~i like seeing shir getting the ball..
~i like how fast PY react to the ball..
~i like how chloe passes the ball..
~i like seeing YX so active with the ball..
overall..i LOVE the teamwork they had..
the very last match..
buva and i was cheering like bloody MAD women..
the other babes frm our class were cheering too..
and steward cheered for our team..haha..like serious:)
till the referee had to tel us to shut the fcuk up..
and poor shir had muscle cramp..
we had to stop at the trafic light area..
hope she's okay..
and im keepin myself away frm FB..
i gues everything tat DISTRACTS me..
off to do my biochem report..
and some serious studying..
don laff at me ah-.-
~wait for me mr pilot.i have yet to touch those quiz..Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
10:20 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
but todae..it's TRIPLE TREAT:)
for me that is..
wats one eyed,a DJ and loves m&m choco's??
you noe..i noe..haha
started off wif loads of balls and kunj*'s ..
gues wher i went?
the soccer tournament lah..held at sch..
NO,i din came to watch those monkeys wif ***** at the front..
rather came ther to watch my coursemates play SUCKKA..
support them lah..
zan mave malik syukri khalid yani..
reached at 10,went wif buva fatin and nurul..
the cheerleaders..
they got their coconut shells, pom pom and cheerleader skirt ready..
they did their star jump, clap here and ther then bleh blah blah..
okay..tats crap lah..
i was just KIDDIN-.-
their match at 2 siol..
and we waited ther for like 4 hrs??
just for a match..
and poor mave din play..don be sad aite..
before their match..we chilled at NORTH CANTEEN..
nurul left for the ambassador thing..
so left the 5 of us..buva zan mave fatin and me..
we talk crap shit sia..
wen suddenly the canteen smelled like faeces..
never laff that much..
ooh and this grp of guys..
accidently hit me n loshini with their balls..
err..sounds wrong..
the ball ball lah..

but they were funny and cute sia..
correction:they're not CUTE..
just that their reaction was cute..
eg.' Eh..Sorry many many many many many..'
my God...i cant help lmao wen i see them practise..
congrats to zan's team:)
they won their first match..like wheeee..
cheyy..baik per..
~you keep me awake bugger..
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:57 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
addicted to this malay song ..
i shall post the first part onli..
Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Cinta yang malu ku katakan
Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Sampai aku tak bisa berkata
but i din manage to get the tix:(
effing sad can..was looking forward to meet my homies..
seeing my frens..gosh..I MISS THEM SO MUCH..
why ooh why must i move to stupid cck-.-
it's so NOT fair..
anyway tmr soccer match tournament,
gona support my coursemates..
and common test is in 2 weeks time..
like gahhh..
then i haf to start muggin..like reali reali mug-.-
that's another booyahh..
and sch sucks every single week,i gues..
shal not elaborate lah..
i tink im addicted to FB..
it's not the games but the people playing it..
coz wen they beat your damn score,you feel like a dope..
and they you'll be playin it again and again to beat their score..
the cycle goes on..
before you noe it..taa-dahh..
p/s:im NOT a bitch,i wasn't one either in the first place..
and im never gona be a bitch..
to you people,sory for my fucked up attitude..
i forgive easily okay..
and it's just so NOT me to get mad for long..
as the saying goes..
when you get close to someone..it's bound for conflicts to occur..
so please REFLECT after whatever has happen..
it's never too late to say sorry..and it doesn't cost you anything..
so again..IM REALI SORRIE:(Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:35 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
~i love this song:) my current addiction..
biostats test done..
no comments peep..
just wana say it's like FRENCH test..lol..
stuf to complete this week..
~microB prac lab book..
~microB blog [due week 12?]
~4 expt cell bio prac lab book..
~organic chem report..
~organic chem tutorials..[due week 7]
~biochem video and pics posted on FB..
~biostats PW
~biostats tutorials..[due week 7]
hyperactive @
12:29 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
LALALAAAA...i have so many ASS-ignments to do..and im so tired and lazy..goshh..anyway..a tribute to my special fren, one of my bestie:)HAPPY 17th BEFDAE SUE.RYANA!!!all the best in watever you do and keep smiling.. coz u got a great smile and
i believe you'll succeed one day:)
~love this pic..makes her look small..okay..now im back to cell bio..wheee..so exciting..NOT..ooh and orchem prac just now was BORING..not the prac but the LECTURER-.-THAT BRA CAN SUCK HIS TITIES..THANK GOD can move ard..and my grp kinda tabulate the wrong results..lol..cute lah they all..cam-fugs:)I MISS DOIN PRAC WIF MY GREATEST LAB AFFILIATE..confirm it be all the crappy stuff..coz mave is such an arse..lol..PMS!PMS!PMS!pardon my sluttiess..please milk some..poke my shit..or simply...perangai macam sial.. Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
10:50 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
i need a tutor..
organc chem is driving me insane..
i even had my senior to crack his brains for anwers..
lol..so sorry..

cute rite the handwriting? like kids kan.. haha..confirm he'll punch my face if he sees this.. anyway... the clas celebrated ms neha and zan's belated befdae.. wooo..mb0803 rocks lah.. we don't seem united but we are actuali..
~blowing candles..
~cutting cake..and you noe wat..i was so careless during microB prac..I BURNT THE POOR FLASK..
lol..see lah..day dreaming somemore-.-i EVEN forgot it was made out of plastic..and mave did something funny cum stupid todae.he kinda meddled with the cleaner sign board..-.- tats wat happens wen ur classmate gets bored..~i just asked tat someone to accompany me go PENTAS..Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:26 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
wheeeee..my 100th post todae:))there's more to it..
zan's having his 18th befdae todae so..HAPPY SMASHING BEFDAE ZAN!!!stay cheerful and all the best yeah..keep the class spirit high wif your monkey faces:))and thing has been bad lately..on my side tat is..
if you noe,you noe..
if you don't,just don bothe ask..
so on this special day,im gonna do what's right..
and move on because ranting on things won't make life better..
treasure the people ard me coz im lucky to haf you guys:)
to all singles out ther:)
lol..the NIGHT is still young you noe..
so if you're setback by love,com'on man..
what the hell is matchmaking exactly?
if i cant find a nice bf, can my sis just get me a reliable husband?
and buva,i noe u're gona start matchmaking me-.-
like how u did wif the rest of our clique..
so keep it between us okay:)
when ppl do bad things on you..it's THEIR karma..
and how you react to it, is YOURS..
so nitez guys..
im sure sch's gona be hectic:)
p/s: im not through wif your shitarse attitude..Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:47 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
~i took this picture:) wif a lousy camera-phone..
jus look at the colour of the sky..
amazing isn't it..
you have to take good with the bad..smile when u're sad..love what you got and remember wat u had..always forgive but never forget..learn frm your mistakes but never regret..people change,things go wrong..just remember life goes on..
~and i got tis poem frm buva through FB:)
i realise that im so lucky to haf such great frens ard me..
they were there when i was on the verge of breakin down..
when i just couldn't think..
when i can't cope with the changes ard me..
shirlene khaizurah fitriah fatin chloe buva..
not forgetting aminah and zak:)
i love you guys to bits..
geee..thanks guys..
hey 'mr DJ' to having 2 'eyes'
to eating m&m's chocolate to counting frm 10 to 1..
nvm..inside joke you see-.-
they noe,i noe..and you'll never find out:)
p/s:my heart stops beating one second ago...
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
2:38 PM