Sunday, September 27, 2009
kiter sayang awak..
erm.. ya.. ohh.. umm..
real madrid..real madrid.. real madrid..
kental selenge.
cleaning the house todae :) Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
12:16 PM
Saturday, September 26, 2009
i woke up early todae and discovered my eyes all puffy and swollen..don ask me why ..anyway, went off to GEYLANG wif mum this morning..
got myself a baju kurong.. but sadly, it isn silver :(
then mum decided to get me some shoes since i broke my heels on the second day of raye..
so off to bukit panjang plaza searching for nice heels..
instead i got this DRESS at a very good price.. :)seriously, todae is the onli day im enjoying my hari raya for real..
set off to sis's soon-in-laws-to-be house..eat and play wif babies..
then walked over to bik icah's open house.. eat, talk and look ard..
drive over to kak yana's beautiful house.. eat, talk and walk ard..
and lastly, visit another grandaunt's OPENHOUSE..
talk, camwhored, play wif babies and internet..
~ lil baby naim is so cute when he smiles :)
~ love her room, very cosy :) one young crappy aunt (mum's cousin)
i had a talk with bestie and he said something..
maybe i was ready afterall just that..
wait what if i wasn ready..
0.o Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
10:04 PM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Firstly, i know some of us are feeling shitty about our results..
and nothing i say can make us feel better..
what's done is done
but what we can do is to learn and not repeat the same mistakes..
one things for sure, i believe we all had work hard for it and
God's will, we will do better the next time..
and talking about next time, it all depends on us and how bad we reali want it :)
btw im NOT telling my mum about my results because it isn up to her expectations..
sometimes i wish she would understand that i did my best but the best isn the best for her..
which is true.. :(
because she knows that my best is not enuf to get to where i want to be..
OHHH you're always saying it BUT ARE YOU DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT??
-.-"Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
9:40 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Seems like most people i know isn't in the mood for raya..
sadly, im one of them too :(
nevertheless, we shud stil try to have fun rite ..
First Day:

~cute kan the kids.. hee i loike sey..
they never fail to make me smile :)Second Day:
~went over to granduncle's house..
then headed back home coz visitors coming..
sis's in-laws to be, all of my dad's siblings and his frens.
i was either in the kitchen preparing food or serving drinks..
tiring sey..
so most of the time, i spent my raya with babies and kids..
so cute lah they all..
i swear i wana bring them home..and i want 7 babies kay, not 7 minus 5 ..haha..okay random..
yes i know u know..diana marz is lovebitten..
black PE shorts and tee-shirt :)
for the first time, we actuali wear the same thing..
coincidental or fate..
and ty for accompanying me thru the fone..
sorry for the ' gimme a minute'
coz i had to wash my face, brush my teeth, change and stuff..
i did that cos i don wan you to sleep,
i stil wana talk to you lah..
and yes, i will meet your mum someday..
InsyaAllah..Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
7:57 PM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I’d like to wish all my darling family and friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, mohon maaf zahir dan batin. I would like to apologize for any wrong doings, misunderstandings or harsh comments I might have made to everyone. It's human nature prone to making mistakes so let's forgive each other .Have a Blessed Eid Mubarak filled with PEACE and Happiness :)InsyaAllah.. Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
1:07 AM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thank you Hazwani Hamdan :)
Matrimonio de amor
A como amor
~R. clayderman
meet my darling s.freakz todae :) danny sue haz..
break fast over at marina then camwhored like nobody business :)
oohh and i saw familiar faces along the way..
solehan:) , welly, zawiyyah and dianaRad...
shall update the pics soon.. damn it, tmr have ATEAM meeting again..
can i pls not go..... :(
i wonder if i can survive 2 weeks without you...Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:54 PM
Monday, September 14, 2009
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i miss a lot of people sia.. i just realise..
from my pri sch peeps, to sec frens, to band ppl, to S.FREAKS,
to Poly mates to CAMFUGS to you to darling cousins etc..
i think i've seen this somewhere...
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. [nowander you always share stuff with me:) ]
Very Good in the you know where ...
Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. [reminds me of you,lol ]
Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative.
Outgoing VERY FORGIVING. [another reason why we are still together ]
Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.
I had A.Team meeting over at sch.. STRESS :(
anyway, meet dearest fatin awhile and accompanied her get food at woodlands..
then off to meet sufy,we buke at pastamania..
thanks for ytd sweets,i enjoyed every seconds with you..
i like it a lot when we share stuff and tease each other lovingly :) nyahaha..
kay stop eet eh dee, mushy2 ni sume tak perlu-.-"
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:58 PM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Underneath the moon, Underneath the stars
Here's a little heart for you.
Up above the world, Up above it all
Here's a hand to hold on to
But if I should break, If I should fall away
What am I to do?
I need someone to take, A little of the weight
Or I'll fall through
You're just the one That I've been waiting for
I'll give you All that I have To give and more
But don't let me fall..
i love lenka's song :)and ya noe.. production was great on the 12th sept :)
though there was some technical error, the show went on smoothly..
will miss the backstage laughters and TMT's inside joke..on a brighter note...
i cant wait for mon and tues.. :)
you know, they know, i know...Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
11:54 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009
wheeee... i cant wait !!!
from S to OF to F to GF to MTF to FWB to __.
"Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall "
Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
12:43 PM
Monday, September 7, 2009
love the date.. 07 09 2009..
prolly coz my fav 7 and 9 are there..
thank you so much haz.. again ur a life saviour wen it comes to the internet..
seriously im such an IT noob, just kill me somebody -.-"on a LIGHTER NOTE..EXAMS ENDED!!!! like 5 days ago i mean..before you start celebrating, RESULTS are not out yet so don bother..
in my case, tats a heck lah until my mum starts nagging wen she see how 'well' my results are..
then im doomed.. in other words.. mampossssss ...two weeks of exams had been a HELL ride..
i duno how many times i actuali cried coz of stress..
so many things to memorise yet so little time..
it's like reading the whole note 5 times yet nth gets in ur head..
i duno how to cope in next sem :'(
amidst feeling all shitty and pressurized, someone made my 2 weeks better:)
thanks for the roses.. i love it so much :)
and the chocolates, which we coincidently bought for each other :)the never ending sweet poems..When you are sad, I will dry your tears
When you are scared, I will comfort your fears
When you need love, my heart I will share
When you are sick, for you I will care
you will feel my love when we are apart
Knowing that nothing will change my heart
whenyou are worried, I will give you hope
when you are confused, I will help you cope
When you are lost, and can’t see the light
My love will be a beacon, shining ever so bright
This is my vow, one that I pledge till the end
For you above all are my love and best friend
These words I have written, speak of my love for you
From my lips these words spoken, shall always ring true
God has blessed me, and with your hand in mine
Both of our hearts, will forever intertwine
Into all lives, falls pain and sorrows,
I promise together, we will meet all tomorrows
Happy in life, honor and love
blessed in unity by God above
and lastly, this cute lil drawing..
thank you dearest..it's gona be a busy week...
drama props, theater rehearsals and A.team meetings.
long effing hours in sch during the holidays..
amazing but true-.-"i bought those cute crochet headbands..
cant wait for shopping..
spare me $200 can ? Happy Holidays to all and may God bless you!! Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
12:59 AM
Sunday, September 6, 2009
no compose button.. no text and colour button -.-"
cant even upload pics..Labels: random screamings
hyperactive @
5:52 PM